Our free shipping Guidelines charges only refer to safe, free and non-hazardous goods. The hazardous substance goods are allocated to them for limited delivery or measured on the basis of the delivery company's charge after the order. Over-sized, large or freight shipping goods are exempt from our free shipping services. Items over-sized or heavy or needing freight shipment are: 1) classified beyond our normal shipping rates, and allocated a special shipping fee shown in the checkout cart or 2) classified as a commodity needing freight delivery transit times
The freight shipping costs are measured and passed on without any percentages by the freight shipper. Freight transportation is typically determined on the basis of various variables including weight , height, distribution method and place of delivery.Based on the order size and weight, the shipping price can be greater or lower.
We will ship goods within 24 hours, Monday to Friday, provided that the ordered product is in stock. Orders are not converted or delivered, except on Saturday , Sunday, or big holidays. When an order arrives, we can't promise. Taking as estimate the delivery time.
We ship from several warehouses in the region listed above in order to reduce shipping costs and get the goods to customers as quickly as possible. Because of the service they provide in their region, many of our warehouses, logistics companies and producers use different carriers. We ask you to use your best system to ship your order as soon as possible.
If we find it more suitable for your order, we reserve the right to use alternate shippers such as the Post Office, local courier, etc. Nevertheless, after first providing an estimate and requesting approval, additional charges would not always be paid. We also noticed some unusual cases in which only one shipper was available and in which case we used this carrier. Please mention this to your Customer Feedback section in order to satisfy your request if you have a particular circumstance.
Please notice that international shipping costs, customs fees, and/or taxes are not included in the purchase prices stated herein. Before you pay for your order, we will always request your express consent with additional charges. Please be aware that if you notice an error before receiving an item you purchased or when you receive it, please contact us as soon as possible if you think an item you ordered is incorrect or not what you want.
Don't hesitate to deliver an item that is wrong at the door, or change your mind before calling us to make sure we get the product back.